100 Days of Imprints | 2019

Presentation of the plaster casts, plasticine imprints, and prints from the 100 Days of Imprints

Presentation of the plaster casts, plasticine imprints, and prints from the 100 Days of Imprints

100 days of collecting imprints from contextual details | 2019

I set out to collect plasticine imprints from the world around me for 100 days in a row. There are so many beautiful details to be found (don’t get me started on utility/drain covers!)...so sought out and collected contextual elements everyday. I aimed to both print and cast from these snippets of the world. My daily output was to imprint in context, and then attempt to create more time for making in my daily life. I cast the majority of the plasticine forms in plaster, to create more imprints to print from.